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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskere: Umuligt at vurdere, om træning i sociale færdigheder gavner børn med ADHD

Det står hen i det uvisse, om social færdighedstræning reelt gavner børn med ADHD. Det konkluderer forskere fra Syddansk Universitet og psykiatrien i Region Sjælland efter at have gennemgået eksisterende forskning på området. ”Vi har behov for flere kliniske forsøg med et tilstrækkeligt antal deltagere”, siger lektor Mette Elmose Andersen fra SDU.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How cultural trends influence education

Inclusion, lifelong learning, quantified life and mindfulness are four cultural trends that have influenced society and, as a consequence, education, Tom Vander Ark writes in this commentary. School leaders are grappling with what these trends mean for instructional practice and reporting measures, Vander Ark writes.

Recommended annual instruction time in full-time compulsory education in Europe – 2018/19

Did you know that the time available for learning could have a positive effect on students' learning process, in particular, in the case of disadvantaged students? This report analyses the recommended minimum instruction time in full-time compulsory general education in 43 European education systems for the year 2018/19. (pdf)