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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Intervju med Britt-Marie Halvorsen, slöjddoktorand vid Åbo Akademi

Britt-Marie Halvorsen är doktorand i slöjdpedagogik vid Åbo Akademi. Utifrån Britt-Maries forskningsintresse ”om slöjdlärarens bakomliggande arbete vid sidan av undervisningen” presenterade hon ett intressant paper med rubriken Slöjdäpplet – en lärares spegling av elevers arbetsprocesser i textilslöjd vid Make&Learn-konferensen på HDK vid Göteborgs universitet.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

‘You’ve got this!’ Empowering teachers, raising expectations key to turning around struggling schools, principal says

Utah junior high school principal Mary Bosso says turning around her academically struggling school has been a challenge and requires interventions for students and support for teachers. "They are working hard together for what's best for kids and that's what it takes to turn a school around," Bosso says.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

3 things middle school teachers should know about Generation Z and the role technology plays in their lives

Gen Z: a generation defined by on-demand smartphone access. Nearly half of Gen Z students say they are online "almost constantly," leaving everyone, especially educators, wondering what impact the prevalence of technology has had on students’  lives and will have on their futures.
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