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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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Five-year-olds who use technology more have higher literacy scores, study finds
Children who shun screens score lowest, study finds.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Schools in Michigan take hard look at teaching 'soft skills'
More states are taking steps to ensure schools support students' social and emotional needs, with 18 states adopting K-12 social and emotional learning standards. Michigan is included in the list and State Superintendent Michael Rice says the curriculum helps support development of "soft skills" that employers are looking for in future hires.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Lærere profiterer af skydeprojekt for børn med ADHD
Børn med ADHD bliver bedre til at fokusere på en ting ad gangen, når de går til skydning i skoletiden. Det viser en ny ph.d. om DGI-projektet Fokus Skydning. Samtidig er nogle lærere blevet opmærksomme på, at de kan inddrage elementer fra idrætten i deres undervisning.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Flere piger diagnosticeres med ADHD – men mørketallet kan være stort
Pigerne æder sig ind på drengene i antallet af ADHD-diagnoser, og flere piger kommer i behandling, selvom deres symptomer er svære at tyde. Eksperter peger på markant mørketal.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Ordblinde elever får hjælp fra superlærere
Folkeskolerne i Slagelse Kommune er ved at uddanne lærere til superbrugere, så de bedst muligt kan tilrette undervisningen for ordblinde elever. Nu er »superlærerne« på Søndermarksskolen klar til at lære den nye viden fra sig til deres kolleger.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Teachers’ understandings of emerging conflicts
Scholars in the field of conflict resolution in schools theoretically argued that minor distractions and disturbances are conflicts. In the present study, we refer to them as emerging conflicts. The study has been carried out within the phenomenographic research tradition and used semi-structured interviews. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
A bibliometric review of approaches to address conflicts in schools: Exploring the intellectual base
The aims of the study were to map and identify the foundation of relevant knowledge production in the field of approaches to address conflicts in schools and provide an empirical overview of its interdisciplinary roots, influential authors, intellectual boundaries, complexity, core theories, key methodologies, and disputed aspects. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Ny forskning: Lærere skal have opbakning fra ledelsen til at forebygge trusler og vold fra eleverne
Det kræver tydelig ledelse, hvis en arbejdsplads skal nedbringe volds- og trusselsniveauet, viser ny forskning, som også inddrager specialskoler. Ledelsen skal sørge for, at medarbejderne både har en fælles forståelse af problemet, og af hvordan de skal håndtere det.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Understanding and addressing principal turnover: A review of the research
To understand why excessive turnover exists, researchers have investigated the relationship between principal turnover and various features of the principalship; which principals are most likely to leave; and which schools are more vulnerable to principal turnover. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
New research project looks at the causes and impacts of principal turnover, and solutions
Principals are a key in-school factor associated with student achievement. When principals leave, it can disrupt school progress, increase teacher turnover, and stall student achievement. A new study reviews existing research to identify why school leadership matters and the impacts of principal mobility on student achievement.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
7 strategies to improve vocabulary instruction
A decline in knowledge could be reversed with new approaches to vocabulary instruction.