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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Internationellt"

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‘This job is impossible:’ Frustrated teachers share what America’s classrooms are really like

An educator started "An Anonymous Teacher Speaks" project on Twitter last Friday, which offers the realities of teaching during the coronavirus pandemic. In this interview, the educator who posted the messages says teachers share their frustrations, which are added to Twitter without their names.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Analysis: How districts are trading traditional test scores for real-time data that can truly help students improve

Schools should rethink the use of data and standardized testing, which often produces results too late for teachers to change strategies to help students, according to Jennifer Blatz, StriveTogether. In this article, Blatz writes about how short-cycle evaluation models can quickly provide teachers with data they can use to help improve the learning of students.

Målrettet forældreindsats kan give førskolebørn med ADHD bedre livskvalitet

Førskolebørn med ADHD har en dårligere livskvalitet end andre børn, viser forskning. Men deres livskvalitet kan forbedres væsentligt med en målrettet indsats til forældrene. ”På lang sigt kan det have stor betydning for børnenes prognose”, siger forsker Liva Bundgaard Larsen fra Aarhus Universitet til au.dk.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Back to the future of education - Four OECD scenarios for schooling

Back to the future of education: Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling is a tool to support long-term strategic thinking in education. Inspired by the ground-breaking 2001 OECD Schooling for Tomorrow scenarios, these scenarios can help identify potential opportunities and challenges and stress-test against unexpected shocks. We can then use those ideas to help us better…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How to be a math teacher, even if you aren’t a “math person”

Math can be a daunting subject to teach for elementary-school teachers who took few courses on the subject in college. Become a confident instructor by showing students several approaches to problem-solving -- and don't be afraid to keep learning yourself with professional development or other methods, writes Elaine Keeley, a curriculum, instruction, and staff development…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Maximize the power of the middle school brain

Now we know the reason why middle school kids are this way, and it has more to do with neurotransmitters than with hormones. The past 20 years of research in adolescent brain development has provided an entirely new way of understanding why adolescents—and young adolescents in particular—are the skittish, suspicious, status-conscious, peer-hungry creatures that they…