Teachers are becoming stars these days on TikTok, that social media platform for sharing short videos. And some of them say the platform serves as a kind of virtual teaching lounge during COVID. But is it a good thing for the teaching profession that classroom instructors are part of a site known for dance crazes,…
How can cognitive science principles support the deepening of mathematics education? A team of researchers from Vanderbilt University's Peabody College of education and human development and Harvard University's graduate school of education explored how using a basic learning process-comparison-could lead to stronger outcomes for K-12 students in mathematics, and analyzed different approaches for incorporating comparison…
Why is language development so important in the early years? What does optimal language development look like? And, how can we best assess language development? In this edition of Researching education: Five further readings, we share five resources from around the world which investigate the development of oral language in the early years.
Many teachers and students are struggling with online learning during the pandemic. And with a new, nationally representative survey of school district leaders confirming that remote coursework is likely here to stay, school systems are going to need to apply the lessons from their forced experiments with remote learning during the pandemic to better adapt.
Forældreintra er ikke førstevalg, når lærerne på Heltidsundervisningen på Præstegårdsvej i Vordingborg skal i kontakt med deres elevers forældre. For dem giver Maria Akselvolls råd om forældresamarbejdet fint mening. Men de har også tiden til det, understreger de.
Børn med ADHD bliver bedre til at fokusere på en ting ad gangen, når de går til skydning i skoletiden. Det viser en ny ph.d. om DGI-projektet Fokus Skydning. Samtidig er nogle lærere blevet opmærksomme på, at de kan inddrage elementer fra idrætten i deres undervisning.