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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Digitalisering"

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How a special ed learning platform helps students with dyslexia

A school district in Texas uses the special-education learning platform, Amplio, to support students who have dyslexia, writes Samantha Crow, dyslexia coordinator. In this blog post, Crow shares five benefits of the technology, including the ability to provide students with immediate feedback.

Unikt forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt mellan Ronneby kommun och Stockholms universitet startar

Ett unikt praktiknära forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt mellan Ronneby kommun och Stockholms universitet startar 2023 och pågår i tre år. Inom ramen för projektet ska undervisningen i förskolan och skolans tidigare år utvecklas med särskilt fokus på bland annat lärande för hållbar utveckling.

Q&A: Teaching kids how to read on Zoom

A year ago, in the depths of the pandemic, a high-tech literacy project set up shop at West Oakland’s KIPP Bridge Academy. Created by a former schoolteacher turned literacy specialist, Jessica Reid Sliwerski, Ignite Reading aimed to teach kids how to read on Zoom, offering one-on-one tutoring while eliminating Covid risks.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Three strategies for growing student engagement in math using ed tech tools

Bringing math to life, gamifying equations and implementing easy-to-use tools can help draw students' attention during math lessons by making the subject more engaging and relatable, veteran middle-school math teacher Emily Strickland. For example, Strickland brings popular sports into statistics lessons with the help of virtual field trips to a sports arena.