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Forskning- och utvecklingsartiklar inom kategori "Brott"

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Adolescents’ concerns about school violence or shootings and association with depressive, anxiety, and panic symptoms

The findings of this study suggest that concern, worry, and stress related to school violence or shootings may be risk factors for internalizing problems among adolescents, with variation in the strength of the association by race/ethnicity. (pdf)

Sexual crime against schoolchildren with disabilities: A nationwide prospective birth cohort study

Påfaldende mange skolebørn med ADHD, autisme eller svag begavelse bliver ofre for et eller flere seksuelle overgreb, viser politiets anmeldelser. Familier med alkoholmisbrug og vold har sværere ved at beskytte børnene imod overgreb.

Protecting America’s schools - A U.S. Secret Service analysis of targeted school violence

This report builds on 20 years of NTAC research and guidance in the field of threat assessment by offering an in-depth analysis of the motives, behaviors, and situational factors of the attackers, as well as the tactics, resolutions, and other operationally-relevant details of the attacks. (pdf)