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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Elevhälsa"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Surrounded by pandemic angst, what do middle schoolers want? A welcoming, safe place to learn

Middle-school students are experiencing more mental health challenges -- likely worsened by the coronavirus pandemic and its effects. Experts during a recent conference discussed the issue and a path forward, saying students' voices must be included in the discussion, and students, who also were represented, said they want a safe, welcoming environment to learn.

Adolescents’ concerns about school violence or shootings and association with depressive, anxiety, and panic symptoms

The findings of this study suggest that concern, worry, and stress related to school violence or shootings may be risk factors for internalizing problems among adolescents, with variation in the strength of the association by race/ethnicity. (pdf)

Development of Academic Well-Being during Secondary Education: Relations to Performance, Motivational Beliefs, and Aspirations

Anna Widlund har i sin avhandling undersökt utvecklingsdynamiken mellan skolengagemang och skolrelaterad utmattning, skolprestationer och motivation samt hur dessa formar elevers utbildnings- och yrkesrelaterade målsättningar.