Bullying - both in person and online - dropped, according to national research from Boston University that looked at internet search data from March 2020 to February 2021. The findings showed searches related to bullying were 33% lower and cyberbullying searches were 27% lower than would have been expected based on trends.
Indoor air quality has an influence on how many corona virus infections occur there. The analysis also showed that the air quality in many classrooms is poor. The study concluded that regular ventilation of classrooms is therefore very important, even in winter month.
Hur fungerade den nätbaserade undervisningen under pandemin och vilka lärdomar tar skolledare och lärare på gymnasieskolan med sig in i det nya normalläget? Blir allt ungefär som det var före mars 2020 – eller finns det skäl att tänka i andra banor? Chefen för verksamhetsutveckling på Stadsmissionens skolstiftelse samt rektor och ett lärarlag på Grillska…
Drawing on IPPO’s new global review of remote education initiatives during the pandemic, one of the report’s authors assesses which online learning tools and techniques are likely to remain a fixture of school learning for the long term.
Forskare vid Göteborgs universitet har tittat på åtta europeiska länders covid-hantering av skolan. Sverige var det enda land som höll skolan öppen. Nu vill forskarna se större pandemiberedskap ute bland huvudmännen.
Pandemin har skapat lite av en pedagogisk identitetskris för folkhögskolan och lett till att folkhögskolepedagogiken kommit i fokus på ett nytt sätt. Det menar Alexandra Söderman, doktorand i pedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet, som skrivit en rapport om hur distansundervisningen lett till nya arbetssätt i folkhögskolan.
Three new reports on student achievement during the pandemic all point to larger declines in math than in reading and widening gaps between the haves and have-nots. But describing exactly how students are doing academically is proving to be a challenge when school closures and pandemic experiences varied so wildly from state to state and…
Overall, we find that measured verbal, non-verbal, and overall cognitive scores are significantly lower since the beginning of the pandemic. Looking further, we find that children born before the pandemic and followed through the initial stages do not show a reduction in skills or performance, but rather that young infants born since the beginning of…
Learning disruptions have been an unfortunate but all-too-frequent sight during the pandemic. But not every student felt those effects evenly as schools shifted between remote and in-person options.