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Here are principals’ 9 most effective strategies for boosting teacher morale

Reducing administrative tasks from teachers' workloads, offering praise privately and publicly, bringing in lunches or treats and implementing teachers' suggestions for improvements are the top four tactics school administrators say they are using to help weary teachers, a survey by Unruly Studios shows. Administrators say their top worries are shortages, morale, learning loss and test…

Schools are seeing more hate and bias incidents. But educators are not helpless to address them.

A proactive approach that includes partnerships with educators can help students process increased incidences of hate and bias in schools, writes Derek Francis, manager of counseling services in Minneapolis Public Schools. In this commentary, Francis shares that the district uses a plan that offers proactive and reactive resources as well as tools to help school…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Trygghet och relationer i förskolan

För att skapa en positiv och trygg introduktion behöver vi bra strategier. Vi behöver kunskap om anknytning och relationskapande och vi behöver vara eniga i våra arbetslag, tänka tillsammans kring strategier och förhållningssätt. Det skriver Josefin Malm och Sofie Källhage är båda leg. förskollärare och pedagogistor.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

3 alternatives to assigning detention

The use of detention to discipline students is ineffective, according to Crystal Frommert, assistant head of middle school in Texas. In this article, Frommert shares several alternatives for educators to consider, including setting up a space for students and others to reflect on root causes of behaviors and learn how to make positive decisions in…