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Through the Ranks Essays on Inequality, Status and School Choice


Elin Molin har bland annat undersökt effekterna av skolreformen som ändrade antagningskriterierna på offentliga gymnasieskolor.


Elin Molin


Professor Lars Ljungqvist, Handelshögskolan Stockholm


Karin Edmark, Stockholms universitet

Disputerat vid

Handelshögskolan Stockholm



Titel (eng)

Through the Ranks Essays on Inequality, Status and School Choice

Through the Ranks Essays on Inequality, Status and School Choice

This doctoral thesis in Economics consists of four self-contained chapters. The first two chapters examine the impact of a Swedish reform that changed the admission criteria at public upper-secondary schools. The author investigates
how this reform affected student sorting and long-term human capital and labor market outcomes. The last two chapters build on the empirical observation that income inequality and household debt-to-income levels have
increased simultaneously in many countries over the last decades. The third chapter investigates if there is a causal relationship between income inequality at the local level, and nonrich households’ consumption levels. The last chapter explores if utility functions that incorporate positional concerns in consumption can generate a positive relationship between income inequality and nonrich households’ debt-to-income levels, under standard economic model assumption.

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