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Safety promotion and injury surveillance with special focus on young people´s club sports. Challenges and possibilities


Det finns belägg från ett folkhälsoperspektiv att främja fysisk aktivitet bland unga, även om ingen enighet om hur intensivt denna fysiska aktivitet skall bedrivas. Men parallellt med nyttan finns det risk för skador. Forskning tyder på att ungefär var femte oavsiktlig skada i ett typiskt samhälle i västvärlden har samband med idrott eller motion på fritiden, och 32 procent av samtliga idrottsskador påverkar gruppen 15-24 år.


Stefan Backe

Disputerat vid

Karlstads universitet



Titel (eng)

Safety promotion and injury surveillance with special focus on young people´s club sports. Challenges and possibilities


Institutionen för sociala och psykologiska studier

Safety promotion and injury surveillance with special focus on young people´s club sports. Challenges and possibilities

Physical activity in youth has many benefits, but parallel to these benefits, sport related injuries pose considerable risks. It is important to public health to address sport related injuries, particularly those affecting young people, who comprise the majority of participants in organised sport in Sweden.

The first study in this research showed that inspections of local sport environments, where injuries often occur, did not occur uniformly. Two additional studies pointed out the need for better surveillance of injuries, and described the use of ambulance attendance reports as a possible improvement to current surveillance systems, with a possibility to improve safety for youth and other sport participants. Two other studies identify risk factors that were specific to football and climbing sports, which can be used to guide targeted safety interventions for the young participants of these sports.

The studies, taken as a whole, provide new information about the factors associated with sport related injuries, particularly for young people, and point out the need for better sport injury surveillance, improved inspection strategies for fields maintained by organised sport clubs in local communities, and the need to address risk factors specific to different sport activities.

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