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Om lärarskapets moraliska dimension: ett perspektiv och en studie av lärarstuderandes nätbaserade seminariesamtal


Med utgångspunkt i att all undervisning har en moralisk dimension undersöker Sören Högberg i sin avhandling platsens betydelse för lärarstuderande att utveckla ett lärarskap. Hans forskningsintresse grundas i en önskan om att förstå vad som händer när lärarstuderande möts inom ramen för nätbaserad lärarutbildning.


Sören Högberg


Professor Tomas Englund, Örebro universitet, Eva Hultin, Örebro universitet


Professor Gunnel Colnerud, Linköpings universitet

Disputerat vid

Örebro universitet



Titel (se)

Om lärarskapets moraliska dimension: ett perspektiv och en studie av lärarstuderandes nätbaserade seminariesamtal

Titel (eng)

On the Moral Dimension of Teaching: A per- spective and a study of teacher students’ discussions in net-based seminars.


Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

On the Moral Dimension of Teaching: A per- spective and a study of teacher students’ discussions in net-based seminars.

In this dissertation, an educational perspective called the moral dimension of teaching is developed. The work includes a theoretically informed discussion from a pragmatist point of view in which the concept of pedagogical rhythm is introduced. The concept captures the need for teachers to regularly shift their intentions and occasionally act in contradictory ways as a consequence of the moral which emerges from interaction in pedagogical situations. Using this perspective, criteria are developed for the characteristics of discussions of the work of teachers, which are desirable in order for students in pre-service teacher education to have opportunities to develop their teachership. Secondly, the educational perspective as it is conceptualised serves as a theoretical framework for a study of discussions taking place in net-based seminars among students in teacher education. The study consists of 14
recorded seminars in which discussions of the work of teachers are analysed in terms of content and direction for reflection. The result of the analysis is a construction of four different focal points for processes of making judgements: existential, performative, critical and professional. Mainly the performative, and to some extent the critical, focal points appear to be supported by the net-based environment, although potential for the professional focal point is found when available tools in net-based settings are used in deliberate ways. Finally, based on these four focal points, possible future predispositions among student teachers are deliberated. Student teachers’ future opportunities to develop a moral and epistemological authority are discussed, as well as teachers’ general opportunities to exercise professional responsibility. The conclusion emphasises that a perspective such as the one developed in the dissertation is important, as it creates an understanding for the need to educate student teachers to exercise a form of responsibility that goes beyond being accountable to society.
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