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Litteraturstudiets legitimeringar. Analys av skrift och bild i fem läromedel i litteratur för gymnasieskolan

Skolan och läromedlen måste förse eleverna med relevanta analytiska verktyg så att de litterära texterna kan dyrkas upp och bli föremål för kritisk diskussion och förhoppningsvis nya perspektiv på världen. För om inte läromedlen och skolan bidrar med denna kompetens: vem ska då göra det? Den frågan ställer Christoffer Dahl i sin avhandling om läromedel i litteratur för gymnasieskolan.

Christoffer Dahl,


Docent Anna Nordenstam, Göteborgs universitet, Docent Andreas Nord, Göteborgs universitet.


Professor Bente Aamotsbakken, Høyskolen i Vestfold, Norge

Disputerat vid

Göteborgs universitet



Titel (se)

Litteraturstudiets legitimeringar. Analys av skrift och bild i fem läromedel i litteratur för gymnasieskolan

Titel (eng)

The Legitimations of Literature Study: Analysis of Text and Images in Five Textbooks in the Swedish Language for Secondary School


Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion

The Legitimations of Literature Study: Analysis of Text and Images in Five Textbooks in the Swedish Language for Secondary School

The purpose of the thesis is to identify the dominant legitimations of literature study in five literature textbooks for the upper secondary school in Sweden and how these legitimations are realized textually and visually. Focusing on paratexts (covers and preface), text–image relations, the representation of authorship and genre the analysis draws theoretically and methodologically upon multimodality, discourse analysis and genre theory. The result indicates several similar legitimations: the study of literature is associated with personal growth, pleasure and how history affects the present. It also shows how Visual resources as well as specific voices are used to underpin interpersonal relations in order to convey the legitimations. However the legitimations are realized differently in textbooks with different disposition. In predominantly chronologically organized textbooks the legitimations emphasize images depicting historical artifacts, the cultural value of the authorship and genre discussions. Thematically organized textbooks concentrate on legitimations concerning contemporary literature and images, identification and the interplay of the reader and the text. One conclusion is that albeit all textbooks in this research are intended for the theoretical programs at the upper secondary school the textbooks convey different discourses of literature and thus provide different conditions for the teaching of literature which raise the question of equivalence. A second conclusion is that the interplay between the textbook author and the reader is emphasized although there is a lack of critical and analytical perspective. For example there are generally few references to contemporary theory, and male/female authorships are treated unequally. All in all the textbooks seem to be more concerned with convincing students, in text and images, to read literature than actually provide them with substantial analytical tools.

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