Man måste tänka själv – klasslärares uppfattningar av undervisning i de naturvetenskapliga läroämnena
En stor variation i lärarnas uppfattningar av såväl de naturvetenskapliga läroämnena som ämnen som av arbetssätt i dessa läroämnen. Men gemensamt är att de motiverar sin undervisning med att ämnena utgör en grund för vardagslivet, planering och demokrati men också för elevens fortsatta studier och ett eventuellt yrke inom området, visar Ann-Catherine Henriksson i sin studie.
Ann-Catherine Henriksson
Irmeli Palmberg
Docent Christina Ottander, Umeå universitet
Åbo Akademi
Man måste tänka själv – klasslärares uppfattningar av undervisning i de naturvetenskapliga läroämnena
Man måste tänka själv – klasslärares uppfattningar av undervisning i de naturvetenskapliga läroämnena
Abstract in English
A teacher´s perception of a school subject affects a teacher´s teaching and by extension pupils´ learning. The main purpose of this thesis is to describe the variation in the ways class-teachers perceive teaching within science subjects and to illustrate how these teachers choose to work and why they choose as they do. This purpose is operationalized into three central research questions concerning a teacher´s perception of teaching, teachers´ experiences of working methods in the subject and different aspects that are consciously present when the teacher makes his or her choice of working methods. These aspects are viewed from two different perspectives: a subject educational perspective and a teacher perspective. The theoretical background of the study is interdisciplinary. The thesis is a qualitative study where the research approach is phenomenographic. The empirical investigation was made as two separate studies: a semistructured interview study (N = 15) followed by a stimulated recall study (N = 3), a combined interview and video-observation.
Results from the empirical investigation indicate that regarding aims for science education teachers wish to awaken or maintain the pupils´ interest in nature and science and that the pupils within the science subjects shall build a base for fundamental general knowledge. As motives for teaching the science subjects teachers view the subjects as a foundation for everyday life, planning and democracy but also for pupils´ further studies and a possible career in the field. The interdisciplinary key competences and the care for the pupils´ well being are aspects that are consciously present when teachers make their choice of working methods.
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